The thematic event months

The variety of topics addressed by the Operational Plan is organized into four thematic axes – ConnectionsEnvironment and agricultureHeritage to be regeneratedPublic space – corresponding to as many “event months.”
Through the 4 “event months” – September-October-November-December 2017 – the aim is therefore to stimulate and organize a collective reflection prior to the adoption of the Operational Plan.
Each “event month” is organized according to a format that provides four types of participatory activities:
Inspiration – Cultural high-profile public event organized according to the crowdlab methodology during which renowned professionals or scholars start a debate on the topic of the month through an “inspirational” contribution.
Entertainment – “Pop” initiative (urban trekking, urban art installations, temporary reopening of  abandoned buildings etc.) aimed at attracting different target groups, generally not involved in technical debate, encouraging reflection and debate with a playful and “recreational” approach that shows how the big urban planning topics also play a part in the experience of everyday life.
Exchange – Multi-stakeholder topical discussions conducted by professional facilitators using specific techniques for constructive interaction, to address the themes and sub-themes of the Operational Plan and the Variation to the Structural Plan with an approach oriented at the integrated development of the territory.
Technical translation – Workshop dedicated to professionals, organized with the involvement of the Professional Associations of the city and nationally acclaimed experts, with a twofold objective: reflect on the opportunities and critical issues linked to the different solutions proposed by the regulations that the Plan must outline, and inform technical experts and professionals of the most important aspects they must address in the material application of the Plan.